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Tourism and sustainability: the Club Esse corporate forest with The GREENEST

Tourism and sustainability: the Club Esse corporate forest with The GREENEST

Club Esse, in collaboration with The Greenest, is launching its corporate forest, confirming that the hotel group is always very committed to raising awareness on the environment in the hospitality and tourism sector. 

Many times we wonder how to give one’s tangible contribution to thank the territories that host the hotels and resorts.

To do this, Club Esse has decided ‘create” a new small corporate forest.

The Greenest, is a project created to give companies an extremely practical and easy-to-use tool to help reduce CO2 and spread the culture of sustainability in every sector.

Do you know the Club Esse 4Planet project?

The Club Esse 4Planet project was born in 2020 and is an environmental awareness process in the hospitality and tourism sector to be developed over 10 years with the aim of making the least possible impact on the ecosystems that surround the hotels and resorts of the chain.

In 2022 the 4plastic & 4child initiative was launched, where Club Esse has already started by raising awareness among the young guests of the hotels and resorts through the Pink Hero mascot with activities dedicated to the environment, and contributed to the elimination of plastic disposable items and the active implementation of separate collection of waste with collaborators dedicated to this sustainable activity.

An ambitious, concrete and virtuous path on the road to environmental sustainability in the hospitality and tourism sector which envisages various projects and initiatives (some still being defined and developed) to be implemented between now and 2030.

Club Esse corporate forest

Together with its partner The Greenest, Club Esse has given life to its corporate forest thanks to a reforestation program with 3000 mangroves planted in Madagascar, involving up to now 106 planter farmers and helped to reduce 90 tons of CO2 per year.

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