APP 2019: free Club Esse event to train young tourist entertainers

APP 2019: free Club Esse event to train young tourist entertainers

If your goal is to learn while having fun, APP 2019 is the right event to start working in the tourism-hotel sector. Try to imagine an event designed to train following the rhythm of the summer: above all, you become a tourist entertainer! Do you want to know in a...
Get the Scoop on La Festa Club Esse 2023 in Rome

Get the Scoop on La Festa Club Esse 2023 in Rome

La Festa 2022 and its dazzling light-up vibe feel like ancient history now, and we can’t wait to dive into the 2023 edition.  At La Festa 2023, we’ll be getting into the festive spirit with the Christmas Tree Trimming Party! It’s a tradition to...

Working in tourist entertainment: how to organize the Mini Club

Parents who choose to spend their holiday in a seaside hotel with the Mini Club, or in a resort, are looking for the opportunity to spend their vacations together with their kids and with the possibility of having time to relax. This is why the Mini Club in...

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