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News and Events

The Party 2017: shine the lights and colors of this summer

The Party 2017: shine the lights and colors of this summer

The Party 2017 tracks the summer's success made of lights and colors, moments and people who made the Club Esse's hotels and resorts an experience of unforgettable flavor. Another brilliant and passionate summer is fading away, leaving behind thousands of happy and...

APP 2017: working in tourism is fun

APP 2017: working in tourism is fun

More than two weeks have passed since the closing of APP, in its fifth edition, the Club Esse training event for tomorrow's tourism professionals, and watching the pictures we can still feel the passion you've been involved with. It's time for evaluation, before this...

Si parla di noi, lavoro per 300 persone nel turismo

Pparte a febbraio il tour per la selezione del personale della Club Esse, che offrirà 300 posti di lavoro per la prossima estate, integrando nel settore dell’intrattenimento e in quello alberghiero, il personale nelle strutture turistiche estive. La notizia di...


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