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Eating on holiday: the Club Esse’s recipes at home for a healthy and tasty diet

Eating on holiday: the Club Esse’s recipes at home for a healthy and tasty diet

Have you just come back from a holiday in one of the chain’s resort or are you planning your trip? In both cases, you can now read the recipes prepared by the Club Esse’s chefs, eating on holiday and at home with a healthy and balanced diet.

It starts from today a culinary journey that follows the best recipes thought and cooked by the chefs of the Club Esse’s resorts, which will run through the tastes and flavors of the lands that host the hotels and resorts of the group.

A recipes container with all the ingredients and procedures of all those typical and local dishes of the destinations that you have learned to love, or of which you will soon discover that you can not do without it.

Eating on holiday is part of the Club Esse experience and for this reason it is important that everything is in the right place, in the indicated doses and prepared with the natural love for the aromas that each and every destination can offer to its guests.

A healthy, balanced and tasty diet on holiday is essential to avoid getting bored, it’s the best solution to keep your body shaped and fit and avoid stiff caloric reductions and stressful activity at the gym to get rid of everything we’ve accumulated during the holidays.

An opportunity to see and taste balanced and tasty recipes you’ve tried (or that you will do) during your stays, perhaps combined with a good glass of local wine.

Eating on holiday and not put weight on

How many times did you ask yourself questions like “Is there a trick to eat without get fat?” or “Can I lose weight on holiday at the seaside?”.

Unfortunately, there’s no only one answer and today it is widely and scientifically proven that the only remedy in order not to exaggerate in daily nutrition is to combine a balanced and varied diet to a bit of healthy sport and physical activity.

It is also strongly advised not to believe in the many ‘gurus’ who promise to lose weight quickly, suggesting chemical mixtures that may come from unknown sources.

The holiday is a relaxing moment, where we can set aside the daily rules for a few days, with no exaggerations and always keeping a bit of control over the daily habits.

For sure, breaking a rule from time to time is granted, especially if, in the morning or during the day, you’ll have a swim in the pool, a bit of jogging on the shore, or a fitness class held by our experienced instructors.

Club Esse’s recipes: eating on holiday balancing taste and diet

Behind every recipe created and proposed in Club Esse, there is a team that works with care and passion to give you a genuine product that represents the destination and the region of your holiday.

And if you want to relive the “spicy dish” that you have enjoyed in Calabria, the “sweet citrus” you have tasted in Sicily, the “spicy aromas” that have inebriated you in Abruzzo or “of that fruity wine” in Sardinia, with a click or tap you will be sure to find the authentic recipe for the great regional classics you are looking for.

Quick recipes to be made at home or articulated dishes to enchant friends and family, for beginners or for master chefs, for refined palates or bold flavors lovers: the enogasronomic trip with Club Esse begins here.

The typical and regional Club Esse’s dishes that you will find in this container, that we’ll keep constantly updated:

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