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Coronavirus and holidays: tips and useful information to travel in Italy this summer

Coronavirus and holidays: tips and useful information to travel in Italy this summer

If you love travelling, this year you’ll have to be a little more careful. As soon as the conditions to go on holiday will be happily restored, remember to follow the updates from Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) and Viaggiare Sicuri website, respect hygienic precautions, keep social distances and check which movements are allowed before to leave. And do not forget that all the holidays booked have special government protection relating to the “Reimbursement of travel and tourist packages”, “by issuing a voucher of the same amount”.

Are you interested in what are the safest travel conditions in this Coronavirus emergency? Or the latest misures taken by the Italian government and its foreign ministry? If there are ways of booking with free cancellation without penalty thanks to which you can be sure not to lose any amount paid?

These are just some questions that you could ask yourself if you are thinking to travel in Italy, where has officially started the Phase 2, a controlled re-opening of the country in order to prevent and fight the Coronavirus contagion.

What is the new Coronavirus

SARS-CoV-2, this is the scientific name, is part of the coronavirus family virus and can cause various infections, from the common flu to more serious respiratory diseases.

It has an incubation period that has an avarage range between 2 and 14 days, but longer incubations have been reported (up to 27 days) in some preliminary studies. Among the most common symptoms of the new Coronavirus are fever, fatigue and dry cough. But also muscle pain, nasal congestion, sore throat and in some cases gastrointestinal problems.

If you want to deepen the topic it is appropriate to visit the official pages dedicated to the Coronavirus emergency of the Italian Governo and the ISS, the Italian Higher Institute of Health.

Prevention: what can you do to avoid the contagion?

In addition to follow the directives of the Italian government that is asking everyone’s commitment to stay at home, it is very important to follow the simple but vital rules that are constantly updated on the WHO and the Italian Ministry of Health:

  • wash your hands often;
  • avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections;
  • avoid hugs and handshakes;
  • keep social contacts at least one meter away;
  • sneeze and/or cough in a tissue, and if you don’t have one, then do it in the concave part of the elbow, avoiding in this way touching the hands;
  • do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;
  • do not take antiviral medicine and antibiotics, unless they are prescribed by your doctor;
  • clean the surfaces with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants;
  • use the surgical mask (and follow the advice of the Italian Ministry of Health on its correct use) if you think to be sick or if you are assisting sick people.

(Source: Italian Ministry of Health)

Travels and vacations during the Coronavirus pandemic

First of all, and especially at this moment, if you have planned trips or vacations, it is necessary that you keep yourself constantly updated through the official Viaggiare Sicuri webpage, of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Furthermore, to deal with the many and different requests of information coming from the citizens, the Italian Home Office has created a compendium of rules that answer the most frequently asked questions. Since the situation is constantly evolving, please visit the official links that you find in this page.

On a Italian beach holiday with free cancellation in the Club Esse resorts

The situation is certainly in constant evolution, and Club Esse is ‘fighting’ in the front line to guarantee maximum support to all guests who have already chosen the holiday for summer 2020 and for those who are still undecided or would like to book a beach holiday with no risks and thoughts.

If you have already booked a holiday in one of the group’s tourist resorts by the sea it is important to visit the FAQ about Covid-19 emergency and booking procedures for the 2020 summer.

Read the Safe holidays protocol

We’re sure that thanks to your commitment to stay home, this winter will soon be finally over. We anticipate that Club Esse is studying a formula that protects your booking from any unexpected events that you or your family may have. This protection will go beyond the Covid-19 problem because we know how important every saving is, today more than ever.

Keep yourself updated on the latest news.


Read also: Holidays in Italy and covid: all the changes in the resorts, questions and answers

Read also: FAQ: Covid-19 emergency and booking information for the 2020 summer

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