Si parla di noi, lavoro per 300 persone nel turismo

Pparte a febbraio il tour per la selezione del personale della Club Esse, che offrirà 300 posti di lavoro per la prossima estate, integrando nel settore dell’intrattenimento e in quello alberghiero, il personale nelle strutture turistiche estive. La notizia di...
Seafood fregola, the summer recipe from Palau in Sardinia

Seafood fregola, the summer recipe from Palau in Sardinia

The Club Esse recipe cookbook can only start with a typical Sardinian dish: the seafood fregola. Whoever has been to Sardinia, or has Sardinian origins or friends, has heard or even tasted once in a lifetime the fregola, called also in Sardinian fregula or...
11 weird animals you can admire in Sardinia

11 weird animals you can admire in Sardinia

Sardinia is a queen of the sea. And it happens quite often to see through its clear and crystalline waters “strange animals”, especially marine species or amphibians, that will be very difficult to see elsewhere. 1) The sea ​​cucumber Sea cucumber are...

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