The Club Esse Pila 2000, in Valle d’Aosta, warms up the engines for a winter that will be one of the coldest and most snowy ever, to make you enjoy a wonderful skiing holidays. It seems that one of the driest autumns of recent times is now passed, and finally,...
The countdown for The Party it’s officially started, the great Club Esse’s event that will take place in the exclusive location of Officine Farneto in Rome, on 28 October 2017 from 8.30 pm! It’s almost all ready for The Party 2017 edition, the best...
On October 9, 2017, in Rome, the Italian Touring Club delivered the certificate ‘Stanze Italiane’ at the Club Esse Shardana, one of the best hotels on the seaside in Sardinia, on the beautiful Santa Reparata Bay in Santa Teresa di Gallura. If you want to...
Rimini Fiera opens the doors of TTG Incontri 2017, the three-days most important marketplace on tourism event in Italy and Club Esse makes its entry as a protagonist player with solid confirmations, important news and an eye towards the foreign market in the record...
The Club Esse recipe book is enriched with a tasty and spicy plate, passing this time through Calabria, in the Gulf of Squillace, where the Executive Chef Carmelo Militano reveals the Fileja with ‘nduja and crunchy onion recipe. A holiday in the oasis of Club...
The Party 2017 tracks the summer’s success made of lights and colors, moments and people who made the Club Esse’s hotels and resorts an experience of unforgettable flavor. Another brilliant and passionate summer is fading away, leaving behind thousands of...